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Activities and Experiences

Live like a local



Pane Nostrum 

Tipical activity offered by the city of Senigallia is the Pane Nostrum festival. This event, that takes places between 18 and 21 of september, sees the bread as the main caracter; people can understand the history and the geography of this important food, discover some secrets of its preparation, visit stands where they can know and taste some international bakery products, everything in the beautiful “Piazza del Duca” and the Roveresca Fortress. Absolutely and appointment with the quality of bakery tastes from Italy and from the world.

Summer Jamboree 

The Summer Jamboree is an international festival that celebrates the music and the culture of 40/50s. Through the streets of Senigallia is created an environment from that period, a suggestive and funny atmosphere that attracts tourists and families. The festival take place every year from 2000s, and starts from the last weekend of July; it lasts for ten days and the admission is free.

Senigallia - X MASTER 

The X MASTER is one of the most waited summer festivals, that combines sport’s adrenaline and live music. From yoga to surf, from sailing courses to MMA, there are lots of possible activities offered by X MASTER, that every year is organized on the beaches of Senigallia. For lovers of sport and fitness, or also to enjoy a beach day full of wellness and fun, you will find here the right stimulation.


One of the most popular tourist attractions in Fano is the “Carnevale di Fano” (Carnival of Fano). This festival has very ancient origins, and every year create an atmosphere of joy, that attracts a lot of tourists. it takes place in february and july, on the beach, and includes the parade of allegorical floats, carnival masks and fireworks.

That’s absolutely a must-see experience.


Loreto’s church is absolutely one of the most important and most ancient places of pilgrimage of the catholic world because the Sanctuary has inside the Saint House of the Virgin of Nazareth, where Mary born, lived and revived the Announcement. Loreto, although is a little city offer a lot of amazing places to visit and fantastic views, because it’s surrounded by the hills of Marche region and centuries-old olive trees. From it’s high it view the Adriatic Sea, the Conero mountain and the Apennines. For this reason, the city is every year visited by faithfuls and art lovers, who find here beautiful masterpieces. 

Here some ideas of what to visit in Loreto:

  • Basilica della santa casa (Saint House Church)
  • Piazza della Madonna (Virgin’s Square)
  • Palazzo Apostolico 
  • Fontana Maggiore (major fountain)
  • Monumento a papà sisto V (Papa Sisto V monument)
  • Palazzo della provincia
  • Palazzo del comune
  • Piazza e fontana dei Galli
  • Acquedotto degli archi 
  • Mura e porte cittadine



Urbino is one fo the most fascinating villages of Italy and is one compulsory destination for art, culture and nature lovers. From palazzo ducale, to historic center, through the Raffaello’s birth house, this little city has a  beautiful architectonic and artistic heritage. Thanks to his  beauty and the history, Urbino is UNESCO world.  

Our advice is to admire the streets of this ancient village, but if you’re looking for what to visit in Urbino, here a short list of some attractions

Grotte di frasassi 

Nel cuore della regione Marche, all'altezza di Genga, si trovano le Grotte di Frasassi, considerate il più grande complesso d'Europa.

Al loro interno, grazie alla temperatura costante di circa 12/14° C, stalattiti e stalagmiti crescono di anno in anno anno, millimetro dopo millimetro. Il percorso turistico, della durata du circa 75 minuti circa, vi farà immaergere in un mondo mai visto prima dove l'unico suono che udirete sarà il dolce gocciolio dell'acqua. Il percorso viene fatto accompagnati da guide esperte che vi faranno addentrare, tra cunicoli, strettoie e scivoli, fino a delle magnifiche sale nascoste. Tutte le attrezzature necessarie sono fornite dal Consorzio Frasassi e comprese nel costo del percorso.





Se ricordate ancora le bellissime poesie di Giacomo Leopardi, Recanati è una tappa quasi obbligatoria. 

Questo antico borgo fatto di vicoli e viuzze ha infatti ispirato profondamente uno dei più grandi poeti italiani. A pochissimi km dal mare, immersa in un paesaggio collinare, Recanati ha molto da offrire in ambito storico-culturale; chiese, palazzi e musei, ma anche natura e il bellissimo panorama dal colle del Monte Tabor, proprio quello del famoso verso "sempre caro mi fu quest'ermo colle". Il luogo simbolo della memoria del poeta è, comunque, la Piazzola del Sabato del Villaggio dove si affacciano a loro volta anche altri luoghi importanti per Leopardi, come la sua casa e quella di Silvia (Teresa Fattorini).

La città offre al visitatore anche altri luoghi davvero indimenticabili da visitare, come il Centro Nazionale di Studi Leopardiani e il Centro Mondiale della Poesia

+39 333 4689 499
Via Nicola Abbagnano n. 17 60019 Senigallia (AN) Italy